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The protesters delivered a petition addressed to Chief Secretary for Administration Chan Fang On-sang bearing 40,000 signatures.


The size of the march may have surprised many.

游行至中区政府合署marched on Central Government Office

游行至美国驻香港大使馆marched to the US Consulate General in Hong Kong

游行抗议陈水扁执政的台湾政府demonstrated against the Government of Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian

游行的起点the departure point for the march

游行前的祈祷会a pre-march prayer session


The procession marched towards Central amid rows of onlookers, many of whom joined the march on the spur of the moment.


The protesters sang the Chinese national anthem as they marched.

游行路线a demonstration route


The march route is from Victoria Park to the Central Government Offices.


The maximum penalty for breaching the Public Order Ordinance is five years in jail.???

过境闯关,希望加入会议cross the border to gatecrash a meeting


More than 20,000 protesters are expected to gather in Victoria Park on January 1 to demand increased democracy and power to the people.


Some 50,000 people are expected at the demonstration on Friday.

对他们(的行径)表示震怒expressed their indignation at the group

对港大医学院重新命名感到愤怒angry at the renaming of the University of Hong Kong's medical faculty

誓言会将行动升级vowed to escalate actions

递交七千五百多个签名handed in more than 7500 signatures

撕毁国旗tore down the national flag


Tens of thousands of demonstrators hit the streets yesterday in protest against the proposed anti-subversion law, in the biggest public march since the handover.

罢课boycott classes

罢课行动the class boycott

冲破警方人墙break through a police cordon

质疑清场行动questioned the removal operation


Pro-democracy camp leaders believe Hong Kong people are still passionate about the fight for universal suffrage, despite a low turnout for a march yesterday.

学生领袖student leaders


Academics threatened a nationwide strike.

学联成员Hong Kong Federation of Students' members


历史事件historical event


筑成人墙forming a human shield

静坐stage a sit-in

静坐行动sit-down protest

恳求学生取消集会to beg students to give up their protest

烛光晚会candlelight vigil


The organisers of the annual vigil, the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China, reported the crowd to have been 45,000, slightly lower than last year's 48,000. However, police put this year's attendance at only about 1


Premier Wen Jiaobao was said to be angered by Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa for underestimating the number of protestors at the July 1 march.


举行反政府游行staged an anti-government march

举行非法集会holding an unauthorised rally

举起右手中指raising the middle finger of his right hand

避免使用暴力avoid violence

镇压学生运动suppress student activities???



继续争取修订公安条例would continue their fight for the amendment of the ordinance???


The police action will scare off members of the public and other students from joining any demonstrations.???


Police said about 25,000 civil servants joined the protest while unionists claimed more than 35,000 took part.

警方估计游行人数有数千police put the crowd at a few thousand


The warnings were shouted down.


A police spokesman said normally a notice of no objection would be issued three days after the application was made.


Protesters were kept at bay with pepper stray.

警方禁止游行的权利the power of police to veto matches???


Police had earlier said the area could accommodate 10,000 people at most.


The police said five officers suffered mild injuries during the scuffle and two students were arrested for assaulting police officers.

警告不要为中央政府添烦添乱warned against giving the central government "worries and trouble"

谴责公安条例denounce the Public Order Ordinance

谴责示威者的暴力行为blaming violence on the protesters

响鞍honking their horns


disperse (vi)(vt); Police dispersed the protesters with tear gas.

驱散在政府总部门外的示威者protestors were cleared from the Central Government Offices

(已故)赤柬领袖波尔布特Pol Pot

(东帝汶)独立运动领袖古斯芒Resistance leader Xanana Gusmao

(军队)蹂躏该区rampaged through the area

(爱尔兰共和军)新芬党Sinn Fein

…气氛aura of……

一直密切留意事态发展has paid close attention to the development of the situation

上街暴动rampaged through the streets

土耳其库尔德族游击队「库尔德工人党」领袖奥贾兰Kurdish guerilla leader Abdullah Ocalan

大混乱mayhem (u); There was complete mayhem after the explosion.

大量证据显示他们牵涉于某事件中a large volume of evidence which implicates them in something

已向政府投诚have surrendered to the Government

不理会军队公然示威,与军队发生冲突demonstrated in defiance of a show of military force

六七暴动the riots of 1967


反抗萨达姆的起义运动an uprising against Saddam

反政府运动an anti-government movement


引起激烈争论的会议a bitterly disputed special session of something

引发公众骚乱lead to civil unrest

引发导火线the fuse was lit

支持及反对独立的军队发生冲突pro- and anti-independence forces clashed

支持车臣的枪手pro-Chechen gunmen

支持政府的辅助军队的平民义勇兵pro-government paramilitary civilian volunteer

水炮water cannons


He disagreed with claims by pro-democracy politicians and some academics that the decision amounted to an official endorsement of organised doubts.


They confiscated two guns and a knife hidden in the crowd.

可因某事而被起诉控告are indictable for something


Nepal's civil structure is disintegrating.


未能挑起政变failing to inspire a coup d'etat


伊拉克临时政府the Iraqi interim government

印尼武装部队总司令维兰托Armed forces chief General Wiranto


The Kyrgyzstan government has become paralysed

向一群示威者开火,杀死十五名平民opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators and killed 15 civilians

向某人发射催泪气和水炮fired tear-gas and water cannon at somebody

向某地掷石pelt somewhere with stones

向该座建筑物掟石、鸡蛋、西红柿和泼墨水hurled rocks, eggs, tomatoes and bags filled with paint at the building

因血腥屠杀而受起诉face trial for genocide

在中华人民共和国建国初期的动乱年代during the tumultuous early years of the People's Republic of China

在赤柬统治时代during the Khmer Rouge's rule

在车中度宿camped out in a car

在首都上街示威took to the streets of the capital

在几近空无一物的街上闲逛roamed the near-empty streets

在弥撒中捣乱disrupting a Mass



考虑派遣联合国维持和平部队进驻东帝汶consider a UN peacekeeping force for East Timor

否认有份参与事件denied his party was involved in the incident

局势紧张were on edge


I am expressing deep concern over the current complex situation.



狂热的红卫兵rabid Red Guards/fanatic Red Guards

赤柬游击队Cambodia's Khmer Rouge guerillas

赤柬领袖乔森潘Khieu Shamphan

赤柬领袖农谢Nuon Chea

赤柬领袖达莫Ta Mok

足球流氓football hooligans


车臣首府格罗兹尼the Chechen capital Grozny

车臣游击队/车臣恐怖分子Chechen terrorists

防止流血事件prevent bloodshed

防暴警察hemelted police/masked police/riot police

受催泪弹袭击而驱散being repelled by tear gas

呼吁以色列立即撤军called for an immediate pull-back of Israeli forces

和某人驳火trading fire with somebody

放火烧毁数栋建筑物torched several other buildings

东帝汶East Timor

表示悔意expressing contrition

阻止抢掠bring the looting under control


For more than a decade, the Kremlin has waged a brutal war to prevent the secession of the republic of Chechnya.






指示多次血洗事件inspired many of its bloody purges

拯救被车臣恐怖分子挟持的人质rescue hostages trapped by Chechen terrorists

政治动荡the political unrest

派兵镇压喀什噶尔的动乱dispatched the army to quell unrest in Kashgar

派系冲突sectarian clashes

为数至少一万名暴徒a mob of at least 10000

穿著避弹衣的枪手gunmen clad in bulletproof jackets


军事管制法、戒严令martial law (u); to declare/impose/lift martial law/The city remains firmly under martial law.


拿走一叠叠一文不值的钞票carried away wads of the near-worthless cash

气氛越来越紧张tension rose

泰米尔之虎Tamil Tigers

动乱unrest (u); There is growing unrest in the south of the country./The country was in a state of unrest./These drastic measures were necessary to prevent further social unrest.


国际法庭international court

基本法第二十三条Article 23 of the Basic Law

密切留意吉尔吉斯的局势发展watching developments in Kyrgyzstan closely

将缅甸从分裂边缘拯救回来brought Burma back forom the brink of disintegration

从某地撤离was pulled out of somewhere

掠夺ransack (vt); The house had been ransacked by burglars.

推翻某人unseat somebody (vt)/topple somebody; The opposition tried to unseat the government./You'll see - we'll unseat the President at the next election.

推翻满清政府overthrow the Manchurian dynasty

采取严厉措施铲除恐怖主义has taken stringent measures to root out terrorism

混乱chaos (u); Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads./The house was in chaos after the party. The country was thrown /plunged into chaos by the President's death.

被逮捕并移交国际法庭being arrested and turned over to an international court

阴险和难以捉摸的人物a sinister, shadowy figure

残缺不全的肢体mutilated bodies


The guerrillas opened fire on us.

涌上街pouring on to the streets

减轻发生动乱的机会lessens the potential for unrest


发射摧泪弹brandishing tear-gas canisters

给予支持lend support

街头暴力事件加剧an escalation of street violence

意识形态指导者ideological guru

爱尔兰共和军Irish Republican Army

毁坏汽车和商店vandalised cars and shops

温和派分子a moderate

准备应付动乱braced for trouble

经过连日来多宗流血事件后after days of widespread bloodletting

试图冲破武警的路障trying to breech a People's Armed Police barricade

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